Friday, May 17, 2024

Jurgen Klopp: the Master of all Masters

In my lifetime Jurgen Klopp has been the best manager bar none, not just in football, but in business, government, life. The best ever. I knew he was "great" when I first heard that he included everyone at the club in his first meeting, even the lunch ladies! As a manger in business myself, I understood rigth away. Like previous managers before him at first I was apprehensive, but after hearing that I knew we would be okay that Jurgen was the right choice for Liverpool football. 

For years I would scream at the TV for players and managers to do more, to try harder, to stay focused for 100 minutes. To pass more "up the pitch" because I knew that's what it would take. One of the standout players' before klopp's arrival, who embodied that approach was Dirk Kuyt! The energyzer bunny, but I knew we needed a whole team like that, and Jurgen knew that too, and he had the skillet, the toolset and the mindset to make it happen! I was so happy. 

I'm also even more pleased that he is a better man than he is a manager. It's not just that he respects people, he treats everyone with dignity, and that's the mark of a great person. Every day I hear people in the public arena say the respect people and yet those folks treat people deplorably, the same ones they claim to respect. When one treats others with dignity, that comes from a place of love, for your fellow man, for your subordinates for your community for your executives for your competition, for your kids, for your family, blood and chosen family, for your fans for me. Yeah I've always felt his love and respect for me individually,. I've never met him in person but I know him so well, love him so much, and will always be there for him. You will never walk alone Jurgen, do feel free to call on me for anything, anytime, anywhere and I'll show up!

I've also seen that he has true integrity, lots of people, especially politicians say they have #integrity but don't even know what integrity is, for fucks sake. And integrity is not a sometimes characteristic, it's always on every minute of everyday, it means doing what you believe, what you said, even if you only said it to yourself, every minute of everyday.  And how he has done that. From his first press conference we knew he was smart, we later realized he has a #superbrain. He listened to the experts around him, realizing, even before he came to #Liverpool #Football #Club, he knew this was the best way to engender unity of vision, unity of purpose, unity of goals. 

Jurgen klopp's approach as manager is transferable to any industry. He can run any business, Nike, 3M, the Red Cross, The Olympics, FIFA, a city, hell even a country. He has the skillet, toolset and mindset to transform and improve any organization. So Jurgen I have a job for you, I'd like you to take over my business, replace me as C.E.O. I hear you said you haven't decided yet what's your next project, so I'm taking this opportunity to make my pitch. Let's create a worldwide brand that treats employees and customers with dignity and rewards them accordingly.

The adulation and love he receives is not just warranted, it alludes to what most see, what I have seen. That this man, Jurgen Klopp, is a god among men. Yes he will get a statue, even if I have to erect it myself, but more than that, he has occupied a place in my heart, my psyche, my mind, that I can only describe as a touchstone, and so too for a Billion Liverpool fans! And I've seen fans of other clubs, while professing how much they hate @LFC, that they love and respect Jurgen. Such a singular figure he has been in the world. Some may say this is just football, but listen me, this is more important than life or death. This means more!  Liverpool was a great club before Jurgen Klopp, but because of him it is now The Greatest Football Club of all time! Allow me to repeat that, Liverpool was a great club before Jurgen Klopp, but because of him it is now The Greatest Football Club of all time! 

To say that I'm inspired is not enough, the reason don't have a shrink, the reason I don't need therapy is Jurgen klopp's Liverpool squad, every stress, every hurt, every heartbreak, every loss I felt during a given week, has been met with relief for me when I watch Liverpool play once a week or twice a week. If I said it once I said it a thousand times, Liverpool football, Jurgen klopps football is the reason I'm of sound mind. Yeah I could hear the jokes, stfu, I'm good in my own skin, largely due to Jurgen klopp's Liverpool football. What will I do now? My hope, my salvation is to work with Jurgen Klopp day in and day out. #Ihaveadream

Love always Jurgen, 

You'll Never Walk Alone.


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

How to make #Sushi, #Caribbean Sushi #Flavors, step by step instructions. Tutorial 20...

My 1st ever # food #video #tutorial on #Youtube More to come.
Please #like #share and #Subscribe, #comments will be nice too. n

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

When this is over, I want more...

Lock-down in #NewYorkCity has been both positive and negative, its given us the opportunity to severely appreciate our #frontline #workers (medical professionals, police, ambulance, utilities workers, restaurant, pharmacy and grocery workers, plus) and especially teachers. Its also been frustrating for many and wonderful for others. We’ve read more, studied more, got certified and adopted video chat as our main means of communication. We’ve also watched waaaay too much TV and video on demand. Spent much more time than usual on the toilet (or was that just me!?).

We have also been in touch with friends and family we have ignored for years. #whenthisisover I want to see some sort of continuation of the affects of the #lockdown. Maybe we should all apportion a few hours from our weekly allotment of 168 specifically to continue lockdown activities. Select maybe 12 hours to re-purpose to maintain all the good things we are doing now, adding it to our weekly routines. Decide to be good by doing good weekly, as well as, sharing those experiences with people who are not family. Lets see weekly lockdown parties with friends who spend copious amounts of time together just like we are doing now. I feel like we need a national holiday to showcase our frontline workers and remind us how special they all are, we did not honour them like this before, did we!? I love the idea that whole communities came together for a specific purpose, lets do more of that. Lets understand that together we are more powerful and ignore those who seek to divide us. Ffuck lets Quarantine those fools, permanently.

Original post:  Medium

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The problem with Eulogizing a #Superbrain #Superhero like #Kobe Bryant

it is always sad and demoralizing when a society loses a hero, especially when they are young and it is unexpected. Such was the worldwide grief when we lost Princess Diana, and again this week as we lose Kobe Bryant. In this case its even worse because his eldest daughter also died in the helicopter crash. 

Courtesy: NYDaily News
When one first hears of such a tragic death, we immediately begin to think back upon the life lived. As with most public figures, there is an overwhelming amount of data to sift through, in our brains, in newsrooms and certainly among social media, not to mention personal memories. I am a Knicks fan, so i do remember when he scored 61 points at Madison Square Garden, as do millions of Knicks fans across the greater New York area.

But this is being selfish, its not just about me or the Knicks, Kobe's impact extends across so many of society's leagues, Basketball, sports, business, media, journalism, philosophy, motivation, inspiration, education, self-fulfillment,  success strategies, Parenthood, leadership. One can speak or write volumes about each of these when eulogizing Kobe, However, no one person can Eulogize Kobe, they would have to speak for 6 hours, so it would take a small army to do this effectively, each person covering a different theme. 

in the case of Kobe, such a superbrain he was, each individual Eulogy itself must be addressed by a team aiding each speaker. Some of the main highlights;
He worked harder and smarter than his contemporaries
many times he took the road less traveled
he always seemed to be smart and smarter than those around him
he was exceptional at everything
he inspired many others to greater achievement
he was a magnet for love

Often spoken of as the greatest of all time (Goat), he was compared with the likes of Bill Russel, Wilt Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, micheal jordan, and Larry Bird, he was youngest of them all and survived by them all. No one could agree on who is the goat, however everyone will agree that Kobe deserves to be on that list. 

This reminds of the last hero we had difficulty Eulogizing,Senator John McCain, It took many people and many hours, yes, this is the requirement for those left behind. This time however, I expect it would be a double funeral, burying his daughter alongside him, and compounding sadness for all involved.

Gandhi said, "man lives freely only by his readiness to die", I have no doubt Kobe lived freely, I also suppose he was nowhere ready to die nor did he prepare for death. Are you ready?

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Why is helping ourselves so much harder than helping others?

Women are exceptionally good at giving, but too often the last person to receive their goodwill is themselves. However, this phenomena of giving more to others than oneself is not exclusive to women, we all do, regardless of how you identify. Too often we also reject that which is good for us and our families because of preconceived notions or just because we don't want to be bothered.
Take for instance exercise, we know its good for us but we mostly ignore opportunities to do it because we would rather do something else, or we just don't want to be bothered. However, in other instances people just don't have the information, so when presented with the relevant information they reject it. why!? Mostly because they don't want to be bothered to learn something new, even if it is helpful to them and their family, they simply will not give it a go.
I'm no psychologist, but empirical evidence has proven this to me. I recently took on the challenge of introducing a new line of green energy products to the east coast market. these products are essentially EMF eliminators. they reduce harmful electromagnetic force within your household and reduces dirty electricity too. More than that, by doing so they also reduce your electric bill, in New York City, by an average of 39%, that's a significant savings. another benefit is that you get the 30% federal tax credit for going green by installing these EMF eliminators. all great benefits: protecting your family and saving money and contributing to the green economy and helping the planet by reducing your own carbon footprint. Reading this many of you might think its too good to be true, but I can actually prove it using a standardized test, right within your own home. The test shows you how it works and how much you will save.
This Power Perfect Box (PPB) is an EMF eliminator that reduces your electric bill by as much as 39% when installed into your Panel box. It also protects your family from harmful EMF radiation.

But here is the rub, 74% of homeowners are rejecting the premise altogether, while only 1.5% take real action. My team and I have learned this from being on the road day after day pitching our line of products directly to homeowners. So why are so many people rejecting something that is so beneficial to them and their family? the experts point to fear of change, coercion sensitivity, over-exposure, previous disappointments, under-valuing the rewards, disbelieving your own eyes, even fear of success! We have seen all of these play out in the field. Yet if I ask these very same people to donate to a charity, they will gladly hand over their credit card. whilst these products are not free, many people would give it a go if it was free, so paying for these benefits is also a big reason why people are not helping themselves in this case.
this video (, also below) will get your blood boiling, since its the first time you're hearing about this 100 year old problem. contact me directly for the solutions.

Hopefully, now that you are aware of the problem, you'll be motivated to pay for the benefits, but really you'll be saving FOREVER, so the value far outweighs the cost. please help me to help you!.

Monday, April 10, 2017


Back in December I posited that Porsche, the luxury brand was helping Tesla Motors by joining the race for the luxury electric sports car niche. Porsche back then said it was out to challenge Tesla, however Tesla is so far ahead of all the car manufacturers that they will continue to see cost and market advantages the others couldn't even buy. one such advantage is the Gigafactory, the largest building in the world which will make all the batteries Tesla would need for the foreseeable future.

Today Tesla (trading as TSLA) just became the most valuable car company in america. but to say that Tesla is a car company is to say that you don't understand what Tesla is or what Tesla has done. first of all Tesla is a technology company and treated as such by most of the pundits on wall street, and while is still has a long way to go, in terms of market cap, to catch the big tech companies like Apple and Alphabet (Google's parent company), Tesla is also known as a really good company and that plays very well in the consumer market.

Another seemingly unspoken, by analysts at least, advantage of Tesla is that they have adopted the Triple bottom line (or TBL or 3BL) approach to governing, i.e PEOPLE, PLANET AND PROFITS, and CEO, Elon Musk talks about that all the time, he also encourages other businesses to adopt this approach to governing. this has built more goodwill for Tesla than it has for any other company in America. Saving the planet from global warming affects has been one of his stated objectives of life. and he is living the dream, when he started Tesla he said he wanted to transform america and see only clean all electric vehicles on the road, well millions believe him and they are buying Tesla cars, in such hugely unexpected amounts that all the other car makers are now playing catch-up to try and capitalize on the market popularity of all electric cars that Tesla created. 

Nowadays, Elon Musk is talking about building another Gigafactory, somewhere else in the world, so that they can also build all electric cars for the rest of the planet, as well as supply some of his competitors. Let me also reiterate, Tesla also has considerable technology advantages over the likes of Porsche and General Motors, having decided to do it the right way from the get go, like deciding to make the cars beautiful looking, unlike previous attempts by General Motors and others, this technology advantage positions Tesla to respond more quickly to market demands and Technology changes and advances moving forward. They lead in all electric car technology, in self-driving technology, in battery technology and in national deployment of charging stations, installing them nationwide in a smart grid and they even allow other manufacturers to use their charging station, this, in a deliberate attempt to speed up the adoption of all electric cars nationwide, a policy which relates directly to the PLANET in Elon Musk's triple bottom line approach. Sharing technology is one way to put the planet first, and Tesla understands that too well. Does the other manufacturers? they haven't shown it through policies like this. So again, it puts them at a disadvantage. 

Tesla cars also offer the option of Self-driving technology, which in itself has many advantages, like having the car meet you on your doorstep in cold weather, whether it is parked in your garage or the street, you can program the car to meet you, since both the car and the keys are WiFi capable and the on-board technology is easily programmable. Now, how cool is that, the future is here. And this is not a sci-Fi movie or TV show, this is the reality that Tesla has created. whilst I'm not an official evangelist for Tesla, I encourage you to buy an all electric vehicle, if for no other reason than to save the planet. 


Saturday, June 4, 2016

On Legacy and great exemplary #courage: Muhammed Ali #muhammedAli

The greatest #MuhammadAli has left us a #Legacy of REAL COURAGE, showing #courage when it mattered most and for the benefit of all. To Echo the Obama's "He showed courage when others wouldn't, he stood up for his beliefs"

We are all better off for his being here and for him being himself. He is indeed the greatest example of a #Hero for our children to emulate, regardless of where in the world you are from.

Mr. Ali IS a hero of mine and lived a life I aspire to, in courage, conviction and leadership. Regardless of the consequences, he stood up and spoke out, even to his own detriment, if that is not courage, I don't know what is. During his opposition to the vietnam war, he expected to be executed for his stance, yet he did it, remember, in the 1960s assisination was commonplace, JFK and Martin Luther KIng Jr both fell to assassins plus the US armed forces could have court marshalled him and sentenced him to a firing squad, yet, just like my other hero, Nelson Mandela, He did it anyway. he stood up and spoke out. and famously said "what did those vietcong ever did to me? NO vietcong ever called me #nigga, why should I go over there to fight them." around the same time George W. #Bush was draft dodging, also not wanting to go to vietnam, but for very different reasons, not courageous at all in my opionion.

Would you be willing to put your life on the line for your beliefs? think about that a moment, and now you really begin to see the measure of Muhammed Ali. We all hear horror stories of the way black people was treated in this country, for hundreds of years, right into the 1960s, this aplifies the nature of his stance.

But to be clear, he was #courageous his entire life, it takes courage to aska police officer to train you, at 10 years old anyway, he was courageous when he represented the #USA and won #Gold at the #Olympics, he was courageous and some say outrageous when he decided the fight the toughest heavy weights in the world, from #Frazier to #Forman. He was courageous everytime he lost and came back to win. He spoke like a hero and he fought like alike Hero his whole life, in every arena.

We now must create comics books and videos, and more movies and classroom lessons for our kids about this, the greatest hero of all, a most exemplary of men, Mohammed Ali. #Prophet Mohammad himself, on whom be peace, is looking down and and marveling at the chance to finally meet his namesake. A hero for all, a Hero for all time.

Monday, May 2, 2016


This week there's been a lot of talk about what it means when someone says "i'm a little gay", so here's what it means.

The discussion was prompted by remarks of one James Franco, rennaissance man, actor, artist and so much more. when he said in an interview with New York Magazine, "I'm a little gay", most of the folks who commented on this seem to be at a loss to it's meaning, including one gay organization in Brooklyn. Any gay boy who faced a deep sense of teenage angst about their sexuality can tell you what it means, all then have asked this question, "am I gay or just a little gay", and through their own rumination have gained a definition for it that satisfies their own need at point or another.

For the purposes of generality the definition of "I'm a little gay" is as follows: representing a feeling that oneself, though never having a gay experience, has thought about it, and believes that it is in fact ok to be gay and feels comfortable in gay situations. And further, such feelings include supporting gay rights in every sense that it can be supported. As well as, having a real affinity for the gay lifestyle.

To be clear this is not a discussion about James #Franco or the debate thats currently lighting up #Socialmedia, this is just a post about the definition of what it means when someone, anyone, says "I'm a little gay", Its not a #gender category, its a feeling, a sense of self, a mere part of one's identity. not the defintion of one's identity. Its surely another phrase that will light up the politicians and some will certianly attack the phrase when ever an aid suggests it will gain traction in #cyberspace.

For those of you, young or old, who is grappling with gender and identity issues, let this be just another guide to your thinking. use it or lose it, ITS ALWAYS YOUR CHOICE! for the rest of you, learn it and understand it, if you don't get it, ask me questions. Disclaimer: This is Not pscycosocial advice. it is not meant to be provide health care of any kind, but rather, to lead your thinking in this one issue regarding a very complex discussion about identities.

tweet me @darrel3000

#francophiles #franco #jamesfranco #newyorkmagazine #imalittlegay #gender #gendergap #genderequality +jamesfrancoTV @jamesfrancoTV        

Friday, December 4, 2015


With Today's announcement by Porsche that they will in fact put into production their #Electric Concept car "Mission E" and with it be in direct competition with #Tesla Motors for the High-end electric car market has also signaled the #arms #race for HIGH-END #ELECTRIC #CARS, soon you will see most big automakers, GM, Toyota, Ford & Mitsubishi dusting off thier own Electric concepts and trying to decide which will eventually compete with Tesla & Porsche. However, I would recommend that they look closer at the Mid-size and Low-end markets where there will always be opportunities for all Electric cars. The success of the Toyota Prius and their line of Hybrids is certainly a clear indication that the Market is ready for mid-size and low-end Electric cars. The folks at #Porsche will undoubtedly try to beat Elon Musk but this will in fact have the opposite effect, this will in fact amplify the value and #genius of Tesla Motors! and help to drive sales of the TEsla eslectric cars. even Porsche owners will test drive the Teslas in order to determine if they like electrics, and when they decide that they do, they won't want to wait 7-8 years for the Porsche Mission E, so they will start with the a TESLA Model S. TESLA IS far ahead of Porsche and all others, in terms of Marketing, market adoption and they also have a mountain of data and metrics to support their movements forward, whihc no doubt, will position Tesla in an alwasy advantageous Position over all rivals. Soon too, based on the thinking and Ambition of Elon Musk and his team at Tesla, we can expect to see a entry into the mid-size car market. Porsche's announcement, and subsequent announcements, will help to build #GOODWILL for the Tesla brand! Mark my words folks, you heard it here first.

In terms of design, Porsche has already bowed to Tesla in terms of Interior design and functionality, the Mission E's instrument panel engenders backward thinking, it looks like the 1976 Ford Grand Torino, compared to the Futuristic look of the Tesla Model S. when most people think of an electric car, they think of future and future technology. The Tesla Model S has central control panel that's all digital about the size of 2 Mac Powerbooks and with technology to match. the Porsche on the other hand has a digital display thats smaller than most Tablets. the interior look is classic, but dated. whereas the Tesla Model S is certainly futuristic and very functional. the Model S is also built for families as well as racing enthusiasts, but it seems the Porsche is only focused on the super car racing enthusiasts to their detriment. Many questions till remain, will i t include auto-pilot fro instance. the Tesla Model S P85D boasts the best auto pilot in the world, using 4 independent systems (radar, cameras, Ultrasonic & GPS/Traffic data) that means the Tesla also steers itself and parks itself both on roads and your garage. You can even summon the Tesla to meet at your front door if it's parked elsewhere! Everything about the Tesla shows that Elon Must and his team are thinking of people first, and more importantly, providing solutions that people need or want most. and that's why Tesla will continue to be ahead of everyone else and why they will benefit from this and other announcements in the High-end Car market. Tesla has even Guaranteed the value of their cars to stay high, and have offered a truly revolutionary financing option, that allows you to own one for NO DOWN-PAYMENT and only about $500.00 per month.

Now I can't wait for the Arms Race of the low-end and mid-class variety. it's coming too! the #ElectricCar #wins, the #planetwins, #globalwarming wins.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Even Free this T-Mobile Offer is VERY VERY BAD FOR YOU

To begin with it DOES NOT include YouTube! probably the streaming service everyone uses most of all. So granting free access to some streaming services and not others, even if free, is just another way for them to get to cap data access, ANY CAP ON DATA ACCESS IS BAD FOR NET NEUTRALITY, THAT IS, THE IDEA THAT EVERYTHING ON THE INTERNET SHOULD HAVE EQUAL ACCESS TO YOU, THE CONSUMER. T-Mobile has listed about 24 streaming sites including Netflix and Hulu that is included in the offer, but why not YouTube and more importantly educational sites like The Metropolitan Museum of Art, which is working to put all their art online and offering video tours online. But you and your kids cannot stream that content for free with T-Mobile.

Whats worse, is that in a few months, they'll roll-out a monthly subscription for this service, or you will be bombarded with advertising if you continue with the free service, just as Hulu did when they added the subscription service ads went to an average of 180 second every ten minutes from a low of 60 seconds every 15-20 minutes. I experienced that myself. see this screenshot below.

in this screenshot, you can see the white dots on the episode slider below each one represents an average of 180 seconds of ads every 10 minutes or so, up from 60 seconds every 15-20 minutes before Hulu introduced its subscription service. You can expect a similar result from T-Mobile. 

When T-Mobile rolls out it's subscription service, they will require you to PAY EXTRA, for the other streaming sites not on their list of 24. like YouTube, and thats whats dangerous for you, this service should be free for ALL streaming, not just the 24, that why it's bad for net neutrality and you. I for one will be saying NO to this new offer. 

T.C. Sottek, writing for the Verge, says "except it’s more difficult to stop because, as the FCC might say, there’s "no obvious consumer harm" in giving people free stuff. Of course, "free" isn’t really free, is it? This scheme is called "zero rating," and people like Susan Crawford have been warning us for a while about the risk it poses for the open internet. The only reason Binge On and Music Freedom sound like such a great pro-consumer deal is because the top four mobile ISPs — Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile — have manufactured a market based completely on artificial scarcity." click verge above to read the complete article by T.C.Sottek. 

Every advocate for Net Neutrality will tell you the same thing, this is bad for you and for net neutrality. There is enough bandwidth to give everyone free unlimited streaming service, but these Carriers don't just want to charge, they intend to over-charge you and over-price these services for the express purpose of removing money from the bottom and moving up to the top 1%. So say no to this offer and yes to Net neutrality. Yes, that's my opinion and I'm encouraging you to say no too.  very soon your carrier will do the same thing offering a fake free streaming service, say no. Free is not always good and in with this T-mobile offer it is not good for you or for the internet. Free now means you will PAY MORE later.