Lock-down in #NewYorkCity has been both positive and negative, its given us the opportunity to severely appreciate our #frontline #workers (medical professionals, police, ambulance, utilities workers, restaurant, pharmacy and grocery workers, plus) and especially teachers. Its also been frustrating for many and wonderful for others. We’ve read more, studied more, got certified and adopted video chat as our main means of communication. We’ve also watched waaaay too much TV and video on demand. Spent much more time than usual on the toilet (or was that just me!?).
We have also been in touch with friends and family we have ignored for years. #whenthisisover I want to see some sort of continuation of the affects of the #lockdown. Maybe we should all apportion a few hours from our weekly allotment of 168 specifically to continue lockdown activities. Select maybe 12 hours to re-purpose to maintain all the good things we are doing now, adding it to our weekly routines. Decide to be good by doing good weekly, as well as, sharing those experiences with people who are not family. Lets see weekly lockdown parties with friends who spend copious amounts of time together just like we are doing now. I feel like we need a national holiday to showcase our frontline workers and remind us how special they all are, we did not honour them like this before, did we!? I love the idea that whole communities came together for a specific purpose, lets do more of that. Lets understand that together we are more powerful and ignore those who seek to divide us. Ffuck lets Quarantine those fools, permanently.