Friday, May 17, 2024

Jurgen Klopp: the Master of all Masters

In my lifetime Jurgen Klopp has been the best manager bar none, not just in football, but in business, government, life. The best ever. I knew he was "great" when I first heard that he included everyone at the club in his first meeting, even the lunch ladies! As a manger in business myself, I understood rigth away. Like previous managers before him at first I was apprehensive, but after hearing that I knew we would be okay that Jurgen was the right choice for Liverpool football. 

For years I would scream at the TV for players and managers to do more, to try harder, to stay focused for 100 minutes. To pass more "up the pitch" because I knew that's what it would take. One of the standout players' before klopp's arrival, who embodied that approach was Dirk Kuyt! The energyzer bunny, but I knew we needed a whole team like that, and Jurgen knew that too, and he had the skillet, the toolset and the mindset to make it happen! I was so happy. 

I'm also even more pleased that he is a better man than he is a manager. It's not just that he respects people, he treats everyone with dignity, and that's the mark of a great person. Every day I hear people in the public arena say the respect people and yet those folks treat people deplorably, the same ones they claim to respect. When one treats others with dignity, that comes from a place of love, for your fellow man, for your subordinates for your community for your executives for your competition, for your kids, for your family, blood and chosen family, for your fans for me. Yeah I've always felt his love and respect for me individually,. I've never met him in person but I know him so well, love him so much, and will always be there for him. You will never walk alone Jurgen, do feel free to call on me for anything, anytime, anywhere and I'll show up!

I've also seen that he has true integrity, lots of people, especially politicians say they have #integrity but don't even know what integrity is, for fucks sake. And integrity is not a sometimes characteristic, it's always on every minute of everyday, it means doing what you believe, what you said, even if you only said it to yourself, every minute of everyday.  And how he has done that. From his first press conference we knew he was smart, we later realized he has a #superbrain. He listened to the experts around him, realizing, even before he came to #Liverpool #Football #Club, he knew this was the best way to engender unity of vision, unity of purpose, unity of goals. 

Jurgen klopp's approach as manager is transferable to any industry. He can run any business, Nike, 3M, the Red Cross, The Olympics, FIFA, a city, hell even a country. He has the skillet, toolset and mindset to transform and improve any organization. So Jurgen I have a job for you, I'd like you to take over my business, replace me as C.E.O. I hear you said you haven't decided yet what's your next project, so I'm taking this opportunity to make my pitch. Let's create a worldwide brand that treats employees and customers with dignity and rewards them accordingly.

The adulation and love he receives is not just warranted, it alludes to what most see, what I have seen. That this man, Jurgen Klopp, is a god among men. Yes he will get a statue, even if I have to erect it myself, but more than that, he has occupied a place in my heart, my psyche, my mind, that I can only describe as a touchstone, and so too for a Billion Liverpool fans! And I've seen fans of other clubs, while professing how much they hate @LFC, that they love and respect Jurgen. Such a singular figure he has been in the world. Some may say this is just football, but listen me, this is more important than life or death. This means more!  Liverpool was a great club before Jurgen Klopp, but because of him it is now The Greatest Football Club of all time! Allow me to repeat that, Liverpool was a great club before Jurgen Klopp, but because of him it is now The Greatest Football Club of all time! 

To say that I'm inspired is not enough, the reason don't have a shrink, the reason I don't need therapy is Jurgen klopp's Liverpool squad, every stress, every hurt, every heartbreak, every loss I felt during a given week, has been met with relief for me when I watch Liverpool play once a week or twice a week. If I said it once I said it a thousand times, Liverpool football, Jurgen klopps football is the reason I'm of sound mind. Yeah I could hear the jokes, stfu, I'm good in my own skin, largely due to Jurgen klopp's Liverpool football. What will I do now? My hope, my salvation is to work with Jurgen Klopp day in and day out. #Ihaveadream

Love always Jurgen, 

You'll Never Walk Alone.
