Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Trinidadian Sasha Mallory makes the finals!

The FINALS is happening RIGHT NOW on So You think You Can Dance! ** LIVE  8PM -10PM EST on FOX. VOTE for TRINIDADIAN Sasha Mallory tonight Wednesday 10-12pm EST (a NEW NUMBER-1-888-836-7604 see below).

Vote for Sasha 10PM EST to midnight ONLY 2 Hours, TONIGHT! by calling 1-888-836-7604 or text the #4 to 83676

vote online for Sasha Mallory at 

Exec. Producer/Head judge Nigel Lithgow said Sasha dances from her soul! Sasha has been brilliant from the auditions onwards and is one of the two females in these finals. She is an accomplished and technically proficient dancer, but more than that she works hard constantly and like most Trinis is always smiling! She is currently one of the top four female dancers remaining (THOUSANDS auditioned to be on the show) and a favourite to win it all. Even if you're not a fan of dance, you'll enjoy seeing her dance. 

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