Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Columbia J-School /Prof. Sree's Smarter Social Media courses Online, NYC and Seatle

I'll be attending in NYC, so do connect with me (@darrel3000) during the course. If you cannot attend "Smarter Social Media", lots of free tips and tools at #cjsm and
sample tweets below for each course, please tweet, if you know anyone who'd benefit from these (online, NYC or in Seattle), please share...

this time you'll be looking forward to the homework!
SEATTLE IN-PERSON ONLY: Social Media One-night Stand - advanced social media workshop, Monday, March 18, 2013, 6-9 pm. Hosted at Seattle Times by SPJ, AAJA and University of Washington Communication Leadership Program. Details: #sreesea ALL LEVELS WELCOME.
[sample tweet] First time in Seattle: @Sree's Social Media One-Night Stand (advanced workshop), Mon, March 18: #sreesea [feel free to add any or all of these
co-hosts @SPJWash @aajaseattle @uwdigital @seattletimes]

NYC IN-PERSON & ONLINE FROM ANYWHERE: Social Media One-night Stand - advanced social media workshop, Thursday, May 16, 2013 (includes two weeks of online coaching, Details: #cjsm (taught w/@wordwhacker, @travelogged). INTERMEDIATE and ADVANCED LEVELS welcome.
[SAMPLE TWEET] May 16 is Social Media One-night Stand, @Sree's @ColumbiaJourn advanced workshop you can take from anywhere : #cjsm

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